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WHAT ARE THE TERM DATES FOR 2025?Term 1 Starts Tuesday 28th January – Ends Saturday 5th April 2025 Term 2 Starts Tuesday 22nd April - Ends Saturday 5th July 2025 Term 3 Starts Monday 21st July - Ends Saturday 20th September 2025 Term 4 Starts Monday 6th October - Ends Saturday 20th December 2025
WHO CAN JOIN OUR CLASSES?Anyone above the age of 2 years old who is looking to boost their confidence and movement. The classes begin with our 2yrs and go all the way up to Adult classes. The studio is designed to cater for all these ages in both equipment choice and design. Are you ready to join us?
WHAT IS YOUR SAFETY POLICY?Your safety is our number one priority, and our record is impeccable. Our safety policy covers three elements: A: Covid safe practices B: Student protection standards C: Parental safety design A: Covid Safe: We have installed touch free hand sanitiser units at reception and encourage all visitors to sanitise whilst in the studio. The children’s hands are sanitised mid class between rotations. We will also educate the kids about hygiene and personal safety. To protect our member our common areas and high touch areas will be sanitised regularly throughout the day. B: Student Protection: The risk of injury has never been lower because of the following factors: 1. The layout of the studio 2. The design of the program 3. The recruiting of only older, experienced coaches 4. The intense and consistent weekly training for coaches 5. The small student to coach ratio numbers C: Parental Safety: The time and effort we have put into making everything from your walk to and from the studio safe to the feet on the stairs, to the layout of the parent’s lounge, make your time here relaxed, comfortable
WHAT DO THE KIDS DO?What DON’T they do? That is a better question, because they get to do just about EVERYTHING you could think of. We have such a diverse and innovative studio set up, that your kids will be introduced to the ALL the key fundamental motor skills. Your child will be welcomed into a safe and nurturing environment where they will be encouraged to … jump, roll, climb, throw, catch, learn, twist, squat, swing, run, land, fall and get back up again to bounce, fly, flip, problem solve and have a colossal amount of FUN. If that was not enough … what we really do is teach a philosophy. We will teach your child a mindset and self confidence that will set them up for future success.
HOW LONG ARE THE CLASSES?All our classes are 60 minutes. We devote approximately 55 minutes to physical movement and character development and then the remaining 5 minutes are for one of the following: 1. Class summary and wrap up; providing praise and support 2. Meeting and greeting with parents and providing feedback 3. Awarding certificates for the process, not just the outcome
HOW MANY KIDS ARE IN THE CLASS?Great question, there is nothing more frustrating than enrolling in a program only later to find out that there are too many children in the class and the coach has no control and the support for your individual child is low or non existent. That is why we pride ourselves on having the lowest coach to child ratio in the industry. Our ratio is one experienced coach to six children for our regular program. Having low numbers means we can focus on each child and their individual needs, design lesson plans that work on those areas those children specifically need and build great connections and bonds with all the children in the class to let them know that we believe in them.
WHEN DO I ENROL?Term 1 bookings open Monday 2nd December Don’t worry if you missed the enrolment date, the good news is you can still enrol at any point, even after the term has commenced (pending availability). Please note: If you enrol mid-term you will only need to pay pro rata for the remaining weeks of that term.
CAN I DO A TRIAL CLASS?We offer something better than a single trial class. Trial classes are for businesses that are not confident in the program and service they offer. We know our program works … If you commit to it! That is why we offer a 100% Happiness and Confidence Guarantee. If within only the first 30 days of enrolment, you don’t think your child has grown in confidence or is enjoying the program, you can excuse yourself from the program. We will reimburse you 100% of your enrolment fee. This ensures you have zero to lose and your child has a confident future to gain.
IS IT GYMNASTICS?NO! We are something entirely new. If Gymnastics was Judo … we would be more like mixed martial arts. We have taken the best ideas and equipment across a range of fields and disciplines and combined them all into one. That way your child has the opportunity to be part of a program that is flexible and creative in its structure and design for the modern child.
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR PROGRAM AND OTHER PROGRAMS?In one word … Philosophy. We are not skill focused. We focus on Character strengths and Confidence. We are not competition based. We focus on intrinsic rewards. We are not singular in our approach. We offer the broadest range of foundational movements to build your child’s sporting base. We are not a play centre. We use a strategic 'well honed' teaching model. We do not have hidden or ongoing costs. The price is all inclusive.
IS THERE ANY RESEARCH SUPPORTING YOUR MODEL?Great question and the answer is a definitive YES! Besides the practical hands-on research we have personally conducted over the past 25 years the program has been in operation (and the success we have had), we can point to the findings of Capranica and Millard-Stafford in 2011. In relation to Youth Sports Specialisation, they found that participating in a broad range of sports does not hinder children in reaching an elite level. Specialisation is not required until the mid-teens. The risks of early specialisation can include greater attrition rates and adverse physical and emotional health outcomes. The researcher Dr Louise Hardy was quoted as saying that 'parents mistakenly believe that children naturally learn these fundamental movement skills. But children need to be taught them.’ That is what we specialise in! Fundamental foundational motor skills.
HOW DOES THE PROGRAM WORK?Children are grouped in classes based on age classifications. Unlike most programs, we do not group them based on ability since our focus is not skill achievement, it is character development. From there the coaches use a skill template for every age group so that the skills and challenges they include in their lessons plans are age appropriate and increase your child’s confidence and safety. These challenges fall under foundational categories like strength in relation to body weight, balance, landings, rotational awareness, ball skills, brain gym, spatial awareness. The gym is broken into 6 separate sections. Each section caters to one of these categories and your child will rotate clockwise around the gym. Each week they will complete 3 sections, rotating every 20 minutes. Every fortnight the groups return to start back at the first station. Your child will be exposed to new challenges each week within these sections.
CAN I STAY AND WATCH MY CHILD’S CLASS?Absolutely! We have designed and curated specific viewing areas so our community can see the accomplishments and growth of their child. We encourage you to stay and watch and share in their journey. We have a viewing window upstairs where parents can see the trampolines, the parkour area, the high ropes and the rock-walls. We have a second outdoor garden where you can watch the rings, slack-line and fast track. If you are unable to stay and watch the whole class, please come in at the end as our coaches will be looking for you to give you feedback.
WHERE ARE CLASSES HELD & WHAT DAYS ARE YOU OPEN?ALL of our classes are held at our main studio in Port Melbourne. Address: KIDS IN MOTION, Unit 4, 11-15 Rocklea Drive, Port Melbourne, 3207 Victoria Phone number: 03 9681 9407 Email: Instagram: kidsinmotion_melbourne We are open: Monday to Saturday - Scheduled classes only.
WHAT HAPPENS IF I CAN’T MAKE CLASS?We understand that sometimes schedules clash or illness takes hold, so we have set up a system to give flexibility back to you. If you know you are going to be away or wake up with a sick child, the system allows you to go online and mark yourself absent from class. In turn, the system will give you a voucher to use as a make-up. Yeah! The power is back in your hands, just jump online, no need to call us, and you can select a future time that suits. You have 2 make ups per term and make-ups must be used within the term, they do not rollover to the following term.
CAN I COME CASUALLY?When the program is this good, why would you only come casually? In all seriousness, we understand you may be simply looking to do a one-off as you are in town on holidays, or you have a friend in town from interstate or overseas. We love welcoming new families into our community, and we are happy to accommodate this if it works around our term classes. However, if you want to come on a regular basis, casual classes are not an option.
WHAT DO WE NEED TO BRING TO CLASS?The first thing to pack is the kids themselves, don’t forget them. The second is their signature Kids in Motion tee shirt. We expect the kids to wear this to class every week. And finally, don’t forget their water bottle. Little bodies heat up faster than adult bodies, so we need to keep them hydrated. The kids take their water bottle with them into the gym. We have our very own ‘chilled and filled’ signature KIM water bottles and all the ‘coolest’ kids have them. (pun intended). Then just come in some comfortable stretchy clothes (shorts, trackies, leggings). Kids will go bare feet into class, (no socks as these slip on some surfaces) although in winter to keep their little toes warm, we highly recommend you complete their look by picking up our signature KIM grip socks’.
HOW WILL PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO FOOTAGE OF MY CHILD’S CLASS BE USED?We understand your concerns and fears when it comes to the dangers of online safety and your child’s privacy, we have them too. From time to time you may notice our head coaches filming 20 minute sections of our classes. The class filming is only for in house coach training. It is the coach (the way they conduct the class and the strategies they use) that we are analysing. This is an important part of meeting our core value of EXCELLENCE. You will also notice we often take photos in our classes for use on our website, in our communication material and on social media. Your views come first … so if you do not wish to have your child filmed or photographed, please email us at and let us know. We will understand and respect your wishes.
HOW DO THE TERM GROUPINGS WORK?Our focus in the All Round Development program is on developing confidence over advanced skills. As a parent you will book your child in based on their chronological age and the program that matches that age. Then as a team, we will do a final check of each class to make sure we have grouped the best mix of children together, so that it works for your child, the other children in the class and the coach. When doing that final check, we consider 4 key factors: 1: Their chronological age: Are they 4.2yrs or 4.10yrs? We aim to keep all the kids within a 12 month spread of ages. 2: Their biological age: What is their physical maturity like? One child at 10.1 may be more suited to train with the kids who are 9.5 and the other child who is more developed may fit in with the kids who are 11 3: Their developmental age: Which class socially and emotionally they would best suit them? 4: Their training age: How long have they consistently participated in our programs? In the All Round Development program, we group kids based on age and these 4 key factors, rather than ability. However, in the Sports Specific program, it is based on both age and ability. We hope this breakdown provides greater clarity for you in our standing how the groups are put together and why we may suggest a change of class.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MY CHILD GOES UP IN AGE?Happy Birthday! … We celebrate this occasion with a few carefully crafted surprises. In respect to their current class though, nothing really changes. The reason being is that we spend a lot of time initially grouping kids together who are within 6 -12 months of each other and getting the mix of kids right. Therefore, if your child is the first to go up in age from say 4 yrs of age to 5yrs and it is now time to re-book … do you book them now into a new 5 year old class? NO… If they love the group and the coach, the other kids will turn 5 in the following term and then we just change the class age and name. That way you get to keep the coach, with the same friends and the same day and time and don’t need to look for a new class. Easy!
HOW DO WE PAY?Payment is made upfront before the term commences. This is required to secure a spot for the term. That allows us to secure a coach and cap the class at a maximum of 6 children per class. The following term your spot is secured already and we simply roll over the booking. If you do not wish to continue the following term you need to contact us via email prior to the commencement of the new term. Late notice will result in an additional administration fee being charged. Once again payment needs to be made before term commences, as demand for classes is high and the classes need to be organised in advance. Failing to pay will result in your child being removed from the list and their spot and opportunity gifted to another child.
WHY IS IT MORE EXPENSIVE THAN OTHER PROGRAMS?But is it? You wouldn’t judge comparative bank rates on face value alone would you? NO! Because the cheaper rate may actually contain any number of hidden charges, such as: credit card replacement fees, insufficient funds fee, inactivity fee, early closure fee, minimum balance requirement penalty fee and so on …. When selecting a program for your kids, you cannot choose on the class fee alone. You need to consider a multitude of factors and we want to help you make the right decision. Therefore, in order to get the true value of the program your child is enrolled in, you need to consider 5 key factors: 1. The total number of children in the class. 2. The hidden costs 3. The productivity levels of the class 4. The ability to transfer what is taught to other sports and life 5. The set up And remember ... Paying for value is a declaration that YOU AND YOUR CHILD ARE WORTH IT! For more information Click This Link and see an in-depth breakdown.
PUBLIC TRANSPORTThe studio is set up in an industrial area so the best way to come to the studio is by car (there is plenty of parking) or push bike. Our studio can be accessed by the 606 bus that runs between Elsternwick Station and Fishermans Bend or the 235 bus from the city. There is a bus stop on Salmon Street, very close to the intersection of Rocklea Drive, before the bridge. We recommend the Moovit website to plan your trip.
PARKINGCar parking is available in Rocklea Drive and at the end of the lot. Our spaces are well signed and there is plenty of street parking without time limits. Please note, during business hours, there are no car parks directly out the front of the building. These belong to our neighbouring businesses and we would appreciate and respect you not parking in their signed spots. Thank you.
WHAT AGE DO THEY START ON THE ROCK WALL?They start on the rock wall at age 2. The earlier we begin to develop their grip strength the better as it helps with other fine motor skills such as writing in school. There is a little bouldering wall specifically for this age. We also have a variety of 9 meter walls. You may see the young kids, between the ages of 3 and 4 occasionally getting exposed to the big wall, but generally there are more productive and time efficient ways to build their upper body strength and maximising their time, and your value, is a key priority of ours. We also have a series of high 9m ropes. Best of all, we have 12m state of the art auto belay systems, to keep the kids safe and to keep the kids moving all at the same time rather than one child climbing, one coach belaying and 5 kids sitting around. We want your climbing time to be productive as well as fun!
CAN ADULTS DO IT?Of course! You sure can … and we love to see the BIG KIDS in the gym. This class is a mix of fitness, strength, new skill development, fun and games and a lot of laughs. Parents rarely have time just to PLAY and that’s what we give you.You will be asked to step out of your comfort zone but you will feel revitalised and re-energised after class. The structure of the class is different to the kids classes as we are working with older bodies, a range of fitness levels and a multitude of past injuries. If your child is also enrolled in our program, you will begin to appreciate how hard your child is working and the confidence it brings. It looks daunting and all adults feel the same before they start … but take the step over the threshold … come join us … get ready to … MOVE. PLAY. SOAR.
WE HAVE A CHILD WITH SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS, HOW DOES THIS WORK?Great question and a very important one too. If your child has special needs, any form of autism or some integration / behavioural requirements … then you must call and speak with a member of our team before booking online. From there we will set up a time to do an initial assessment. As much as possible we will try to be an inclusive program, but the first step needs to be an individual assessment based on our own conditions. This involves seeing what will work for the child, what works for the coach and what would work for the potential other children in the class. A pre-booking assessment call applies to both our term classes and the holiday program. Please note: Bookings will not be validated if this process is not followed.
IS KIDS IN MOTION A REGISTERED PROVIDER FOR NDIS?Kids in Motion is not a registered provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) but we have many children who claim classes with us against their plan. Please contact Jackie ( to get an invoice/receipt prepared that is suitable for claiming.
HOW DO I BOOK FOR THE HOLIDAYS?Bookings for the holiday program are released around three weeks before the end of the term. They open the same days as Term bookings open. You can see the exact dates on our website's home page. The dates will also be communicated in our newsletter and via social media. Places are limited, demand is high and we always completely book out and have an extended waitlist. Therefore, we highly recommend booking fast on the morning of the release date and all bookings are made online.
HOW DO THE HOLIDAY PROGRAMS WORK?The holiday program is generally run for a two-week period between school terms, public holidays excluded. The day is broken into a morning and an afternoon session, and you can book your child into a full day. A half day is recommended for younger kids until their stamina is built up. The children will rotate through all areas in the morning and repeat that process in the afternoon with different games and challenges being thrown at them. The focus of the holiday program is not on skill development, rather it is on games, challenges, enjoyment, teamwork and problem-solving. It can be a long day, so teaching kids to control their energy and emotions is a big part of the learning process. Based on the size of the gym we could easily fit 100 children in each day and we certainly have the demand for it … however Excellence is one of our core values so we cut back our capacity by 40% in order to run the best program we can. To finish the day, we usually do a final wrap-up, praise the groups for the key behaviour we are looking to develop and award some prizes to those children who have been outstanding and embody those character strengths. There are always big smiles at the end of the day …and that’s what the day is all about. Drop-off for the morning and full day sessions starts from 8:30am and the session starts at 9am. We are not able to accept children prior to 8:30am. The morning session will conclude at 1pm and collection is from 12:45pm. Drop-off for the afternoon session starts at 1pm and the session starts at 1:30pm. The afternoon session and full day sessions will conclude at 5:30pm and collection is from 5:20pm after the end of day wrap-up is done.
WHAT ARE THE HOLIDAY PROGRAM DATES?January Holiday Program 2025 Week 1 Mon 13th Tues 14th Wed 15th Thurs 16th Week 2 Mon 20th Tues 21st Wed 22nd Thurs 23rd
CAN CHILDREN BE IN THE SAME GROUP AS THEIR FRIENDS @ THE HOLIDAY PROGRAM?Another great question, and this one is a little harder to answer definitively. The answer depends on the bookings each day and every day the bookings will be a little different. However, rest assured we understand the importance of the children spending the day having fun with their friends and having someone familiar in their group to help support them and make them feel more comfortable. We always do our best to accommodate this and make it happen for you. Ultimately the way we set up the groups needs to be by age first. This is so that the level of activities, the pace of the class, the management and control strategies adopted and the instructional approach the coach takes is ALL suited to everyone in the class. If your children or group of friends are the same age or within a year, then it is most likely that they can all be in the same group and enjoy each other’s company and support one another. That is our ultimate aim. If one child is seven and the other is 4 then the only way, it would work would be if the 7-year-old went into the group with the 4-year-olds. Obviously having it the other way wouldn’t be safe due to the size of the bodies and the skill focus. However, even if the older sibling wanted to support the younger sibling and join the younger class, this scenario would only be possible if we did not already have a full class of 4 years old’s that day.
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