To give YOU the best program in the world, one like no other ... we leave no stone unturned in our quest to learn and improve.
Did you know that the team spend over 4 hours each and every week in team training, learning about:
concepts of teaching
the craft of coaching
control strategies
creative strategies and
messaging and language
In order to deliver YOU the best program for your child's development.
I have an insatiable appetite to constantly learn about coaching and teaching ...and I pass this on to improve the skills of YOUR coach every week.
- David
Things to Remember

Help create the best program in the world.
As the year rolls on we are going to open more opportunities for our tribe to help be co-creators in the program we run.
For now, the best way you can contribute and share the journey is to keep an eye out for our SURVEYS and give us your best feedback so we can continue striving to meet one of our three core values, EXCELLENCE.