Hear first hand from Alexandra Hose as she talks about the influence her time at Kids in Motion has had on her life and her success. Alex, of course, is very humble. She mentions that Year 12 was tough ... What she doesn't mention is that the grit and focus she learnt helped her score a near perfect ATAR score. LEGEND! For every child that enters our studio I often have a number of thoughts ...
1: I hope they have fun today (that's a given!)
2: I wonder what their future will hold?
3: I obsess about what we can do to ensure their success.
I wonder in years to come ...will they be a ...
Future School Captain?
Future Team Captain?
Future Problem Solver?
Future Leader?
At Kids in Motion we know what it takes to be successful and in this ever-changing world ...
There will be 4 key factors to ensuring your child's success.
These are:
1: Confidence
2: Focus and Grit
3: Structure
4: Attitude
At Kids in Motion, we are not so much a sports program, rather we see ourselves as a CONFIDENCE PROGRAM.
The quality a child needs to help them step across the threshold and face their fear is: Confidence. By ensuring we celebrate and track every child's little 'wins', we build their confidence to step up to the plate and take on the next challenge. And the number one attractive quality of a leader is: Confidence.
If there is one thing you want to teach your kids ... it is confidence. Not arrogance, not unfounded conceited confidence, but real grounded confidence ... because that will be the new ticket going forward.
And that’s what we do here @ Kids in Motion ...
We run a confidence program!
Focus is definitely a skill that must be developed and worked at. It comes from the discipline of learning and listening.
Unlike the world you or I were born into ... back when there were only 4 TV stations to choose from and to change them you had to get up off the couch ... today a child has so many digital and visual options ... and the majority of them are nothing more than distractions. Worse still is that they all sit in the palm of their hand and they have 24 hour access to them. This constant distraction is having a detrimental cognitive impact on our children. Our obsession with social media is giving us what doctors refer to as 'acquired ADA" ... No wonder their attention span is less than 8 seconds.
The ability to stay focused is the new 'I.Q.'
Focus is what we are instilling and building in your child each week. This is why we work so hard on reinforcing the 'tuck sit' rule and rewarding those who apply it best.
Add to this, the program teaches kids the resolve to battle on, to stick at a task and to fail and try again.
Lessons that live beyond the gym mats.
Some programs and facilities like to run a 'free for all' program. Not us!
The most successful people in the world, be they in business or sport are those who have developed structure to keep them enacting their good habits and those who build in mechanisms to keep distractions out!
The very nature of our program teaches children to follow a structured format in a structured environment. It also teaches them the ability to forgo immediate gratification for a longer but delayed return and this helps build self control.
The biggest determinate to your child's success will be their attitude.
It will be Attitude ... more than skills or knowledge ... that will be the driving force that propels your child's future success.
Whether you child has a positive or negative attitude in relation to life, expected outcomes, goals and especially their attitude to learning and growth.
At Kids in Motion we surround children with 'positivity and support' to ensure they have a positive attitude to everything they take on and a growth mindset. We don't teach children to wish it was easier ... we teach them to work to be better!
Help your child master each of these 4 factors ... OR ... Find someone with the experience who can. Do this ... and your child's success is guaranteed.
The ONE thing I know for sure about your child's future is ...
that their future is in OUR hands!

Even SCOUT is learning about GRIT in her spare time