We all have a different journey but the one thing we all need is a guide, and for children … that is a great coach. A great coach will teach us to believe in ourselves and show us the way … And that’s what we do here at Kids in Motion …
1: We build belief and
2: We create opportunities My name is David Hannan … I’m the founder and creator of Kids in Motion. When I was a kid in the 70’s I did gymnastics but as a teenager I was obsessed with Bruce Lee. Not just his skill set but his philosophy on sport and integration of skills from outside sources.
As I got older I wanted to do to Gymnastics, what Bruce Lee did to the martial arts … completely reinvent it … take what was good and discard what was useless … and that’s what we have done here at Kids in Motion. We have taken the best of gymnastics, dropped what doesn’t transfer over to other sports and added in essential elements from other sports that gymnastics is missing.
We have created the best building block for your child in regard to their physical confidence.
And that’s what we are here at Kids in Motion ..
We are not a sport … we are a confidence program! We’ve taken the seven Key foundational movement patterns that every child needs to learn in order to:
1: maximise their skill set
2: maximise their safety and
3: maximise their ability to pick up any sport. IF you are going to start your child being active
… this is where you want them to start them.
Every day we teach our students to demand more from themselves than anyone else can possibly expect.
Our kids don’t compete with other kids. We teach teach them to compete with what they are capable of.
This is how we teach our kids to grow into greatness.
We believe your child should love the sport they choose
We believe the skills your child is learning should be transferrable to the maximum number of sporting options and boost their confidence socialising
We believe your child should have the self belief to take on new challenges
We believe your child should feel supported and encouraged
We believe coaches should be available and excited to provide as much feedback on your child as you’re after
And we believe as parents, you should get to share and experience the journey with them
These are the things we believe … and we believe we do them better than any other kids program in the world … and that is why we offer more than a 100% guarantee. Not only will we give your money back if not 100% satisfied … But in addition you get to keep all the bonuses we put in … the T-shirts, the socks, the folders etc …
That’s our gift to you … keep em’ … enjoy them 😊
Is your kids current program offering 100% satisfaction guarantee?
If not … ask why not … or simply join with us!
